

NESSI has been formally recognised by the European Commission as a European Technology Platform (ETP) and as such promotes research, development and innovation in the field of software, data and digital services in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the European industry, and represents industry and other organizations active in this field.

The NESSI ETP is underpinned by NESSI AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif; International Non-Profit Organization). The purpose of the Association is to provide administrative, legal and financial support to enable the ETP to fulfil its mission.


The NESSI ETP Board is the NESSI governance body with the ultimate level of authority. It sets the strategic vision for NESSI. The Board consists of empowered representatives from all Partners. It is led by the NESSI Board Chair. Board members also comprise the NESSI AISBL General Assembly.

Steering Committee

The NESSI ETP Steering Committee is the the executive body, responsible for defining, implementing and monitoring NESSI activities. It is led by the NESSI Steering Committee Chair.

Transparency Register

NESSI is registered in the EU Transparency Register with ID 040237630357-81.