NESSI was an invited participant in the open source workshops for computing & sustainability which took place in Brussels on 2 December 2022, organised by European Commission in collaboration with the Coordination and Support Action.

There were 12 sessions covering different aspects of open source including open source hardware, interoperability and open standards, the use of open source software by European public services, and the role that open source plays in AI, quantum computing and cloud computing.

Josef Urban represented NESSI as a panelist in the workshop session focusing on open source software and cloud computing. He presented NESSI’s views on both open source software and the cognitive computing continuum.

  • NESSI recommends taking a balanced view of open source software, taking into account both the advantages and the risks of using open source software.
  • The Cognitive Computing Continuum requires research covering the development of cognitive capabilities based on AI, cloud and digital twin technologies; frameworks for sharing and trading data and AI models across the continuum; and software engineering principles for the design and development of continuum-native software.

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