NESSI organised two Networking Sessions at ICT 2015, the biggest event in the EU ICT calendar, which took place in Lisbon, 20-22 October 2015.
ICT 2015 networking sessions were informal discussion groups organised by stakeholders participating in the ICT 2015 event. Their goal was to enable a broad and multi-disciplinary dialogue, help participants find partners for a collaborative relationship enlarge and enhance stakeholder communities and better connect research to innovation for a Digital Europe.
Cyber Physical Big Data Systems: Coming Together of Game-Changing Trends attracted over 100 participants. The session was jointly organized with the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and ARTEMIS-IA. It featured position presentations from each of the involved organizations and a lively panel discussion, during which panellists responded to stimulating questions from the audience. Presentations were given by ARTEMIS-IA Vice President Laila Gide from THALES, BDVA Vice President Ed Curry from INSIGHT, and NESSI Steering Committee Chair Colin Upstill from the IT Innovation Centre, University of Southampton. Panel members were Sonja Zillner from SIEMENS, Jan Lohstroh from ARTEMIS-IA, and Bjorn Skjellaug from SINTEF. Discussions clearly showed the opportunities and challenges at the intersection between cyber physical systems and data-intensive software systems and services, such as preserving privacy, handling system complexity, and addressing velocity / real-time data processing. Participants that attended the session were from all three main communities, with an equal split between CPS, Big Data and Software/Services. The networking session was organized and moderated by Deputy Secretary General of BDVA and NESSI Steering Committee Vice-Chair Andreas Metzger from, University of Duisburg-Essen. Further information about the session, including the presentations and session summary, can be found here.
Software Encapsulates the World: Everything as a Service (XaaS) by 2025 explored software advances which will enable and drive the transformation of almost all sectors of society into the next generation of a service economy. Further information, including the presentations and session summary, can be found here.
NESSI participated in the Networking Session ETPs – EECA countries Communities networking, which showcased the community building already achieved by the Cluster and to find common ground for further and more active involvement of the EECA counties in the European Technology Platforms. The discussions focused on how to enhance collaboration among EU and EECA R&I teams and support the integration of competent EECA ICT actors. Two key areas of common interest were considered: Big Data, Software & Services (NESSI) and Interactive Content Media & Creative Industries (NEM; the New European Media ETP). More information can be found on the EECA website and on the ICT 2015 website.