This paper, published by NESSI, emphasizes the fundamental role software is playing in the digitalisation of society and economy. Software is having real impact on the economy, society and every individual. Currently, the software
industry generates directly and indirectly more than 5% of the jobs in Europe and is contributing with 7.4%
of the total European GDP. R&D intensive companies across all sectors allocating 25% and more of their R&D budget to software offerings experienced a faster revenue growth than their competitors with lower allocations.

The paper identifies important research challenges in software technologies to be addressed in Horizon Europe in order to feed and sustain the innovation and solution deployment pipeline for digital products, services and business models and thus to secure and strengthen the European innovation capabilities in a digital world. In particular, research is required to deliver the next generation of software technologies that exploit the following emerging digital enablers:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) delivers unprecedented machine-based analysis, cognition and decision making based on advanced machine learning (ML) technologies and big data assets. Thereby, AI enables novel, cognitive software systems, as well as new means to support the software development and construction process.
  • Hyper-Scalability exploits the whole continuum of compute capabilities (device, fog, edge and cloud) in order to scale out software systems based on demand and user needs. Thereby, hyperscalability achieves new levels of resource efficiency and cost-optimal deployment of systems, facilitating the delivery of systems at a much larger scale than possible today.
  • Ubiquitous connectivity, driven by the new generation of mobile networks and the emerging Next Generation Internet (NGI), allows large-scale, high-bandwidth and almost instantaneous interactions between computers and devices, among users, communities and autonomous agents,  as well as between data, media and knowledge actors. Thereby, ubiquitous connectivity allows dynamic federation, integration and communication within multi-stakeholder and multi-service systems.
  • Human-centricity means that software is intuitive and trustworthy, facilitating transparent and fluent interaction between users and digital systems. Thereby, human-centricity empowers more and more people to use, interact and adapt software systems to their needs and situation.

Read the paper: NESSI – Software Empowering the Digital Transformation of Europe

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