Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum
Andreas Metzger presented NESSI's views about future R&I priorities and plans in the Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum: From Cloud to Edge to IoT meeting, a 2-day physical event organised within the context of [...]
Software Engineering and AI for Data Quality
NESSI partners SINTEF and paluno are guest editors of a special issue of the ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) on Software Engineering and AI for Data Quality Modern systems are centered on [...]
NESSI participates in Open Source Workshops
NESSI was an invited participant in the open source workshops for computing & sustainability which took place in Brussels on 2 December 2022, organised by European Commission in collaboration with the Coordination and Support [...]
A Balanced View of Open Source Software
NESSI has published a short paper explaining the strong need for a balanced view on the advantages and the risks of OSS. The European Commission has adopted an OSS strategy and has published an OSS [...]
NESSI participated in the European Big Data Value Forum held in Prague from 21 to 23 November 2022. EBDVF brought together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other [...]
NESSI’s View on Improving the Provision of Digital Skills
NESSI has responded to the EC Call for evidence on improving the provision of digital skills. In 2020 NESSI undertook a survey of its Partners’ experiences and opinions on software skills and business demand. In [...]
NESSI Paper on the Cognitive Computing Continuum
This NESSI position paper analyses the research and innovation landscape of the cognitive computing continuum and makes suggestions for future research directions in this field. The Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022 called for research in [...]
NESSI’s View on the Cyber Resilience Act
The EC is preparing a proposal for a Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) to establish common cybersecurity standards for digital products and ancillary services. Software and its entire life cycle, including embedded software, is explicitly in [...]
NESSI Paper on Software and Quantum Computing
This position paper is an analysis by NESSI of issues concerning software technology in quantum computing. Advances in the development of quantum computing hardware need to be accompanied by advances on the software side to [...]