NESSI Paper on Software and Key Digital Technologies
This paper is an analysis by NESSI about the role of software technology in Key Digital Technologies (KDT), one of the proposed institutionalised European Partnerships under Horizon Europe (2021-2027). Software [...]
NESSI Paper on Software and Smart Networks and Services
This paper is an analysis by NESSI about the role of software and services technologies for future Smart Networks and Services (SNS), which is one of the proposed Partnerships in [...]
NESSI and BDVA Sign Memorandum of Collaboration
NESSI and the BDVA today signed a Memorandum of Collaboration. NESSI and the BDVA will collaborate to shape the European Agenda by joining forces in developing strategic roadmaps, papers, pilots [...]
NESSI sponsored the European Big Data Value Forum held in Helsinki from 14 to 16 October 2019. There were over 90 speakers in 23 sessions. Speakers gave their views on [...]
NESSI Paper on Open Source Software
This paper shows the relevance of open source in the current software context from the NESSI perspective, then it sets out the position of NESSI with regards to main features [...]
NESSI Paper on Software and the Next Generation Internet
This paper is an analysis by NESSI of how research in software technologies can best meet the needs of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, which is about to re-engineer [...]
NESSI Paper on Software and Artificial Intelligence
This paper presents the challenges identified by NESSI to successfully integrate AI in the smart software systems required to advance the digital transformation of Europe. We identify four primary research [...]
NESSI Thematic Networking Sessions at ICT 2018
NESSI organised two thematic networking sessions during ICT 2018, which took place in the Austria Centre Vienna from 4 to 6 December 2018, hosted by the Austrian Presidency. The Art [...]
NESSI sponsored the European Big Data Value Forum held in Vienna from 12 to 14 November 2018. Numerous NESSI Partners and Members attended the Forum, and enjoyed many fruitful [...]
NESSI Paper on Next Generation Software Technologies Empowering the Digital Transformation of Europe
This paper, published by NESSI, emphasizes the fundamental role software is playing in the digitalisation of society and economy. Software is having real impact on the economy, society and every [...]
NESSI Questionnaire on Horizon 2020
NESSI recently invited Members to complete a questionnaire regarding their satisfaction with Horizon 2020. We thank all those who participated. Responses were equally divided between Partners and Members, coming from [...]
NESSI sponsored the European Big Data Value Forum held in Versailles from 21 to 23 November 2017. There were numerous visitors to the NESSI booth, where Partners, Members and other [...]
ICT Proposers’ Day 2017
The European Commission, in partnership with the Hungarian Ministry of National Development, organized the ICT Proposers’ Day on 9-10 November 2017 in Budapest, Hungary. The event centred on European ICT [...]
NESSI Members’ Evening, Budapest
NESSI held a successful Members' evening on Thursday 9 November in Budapest during the ICT Proposers' day 2017. Over fifty Members met at the Buddha-Bar Hotel Budapest Klotild Palace for [...]
Consultation on the evaluation and review of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)
NESSI recently responded to a public consultation on ENISA, in which the European Commission was seeking views of experts and stakeholders to evaluate ENISA's contribution to the cybersecurity landscape. The [...]